Artist | Aki Kanemaru & Aki Ornati — Terroir Milano, Italy

Artist | Aki Kanemaru & Aki Ornati — Terroir Milano, Italy

"How was our work, Aki?"

When I was a child, I loved line drawings with pencil textures. Maybe for that reason, I happened to be strongly attracted to Aki's drawing and his color selections.

When I made a poster with Terroir Milano, I wanted to put something, that symbolizes Terroir Milano with my feelings that I experienced there. 'Warmest love' and 'Comfort' was that. Simultaneously, it was reminded of Aki playing with the Terroir Milano Stamp. I wanted to capture that.

Aki generously allowed me to see his original drawings and choose some pieces for our poster.

"How was our work, Aki?"

We asked Aki to what he felt about our work with his design!

And he said,
”I was really happy because the work was so 'kawaii' ( = cute in Japaness )."
Aki Interview Support : Ayumi Kanemaru