Dark Room Morning in Seoul

Dark Room Morning in Seoul

Embrace a Serene Morning in Seoul

Start your day by brewing coffee, selecting tools that match your mood, playing your favorite music, and savoring each sip. Whether you're reading a beloved book or writing down thoughts in your journal, there’s nothing like opening your morning with a quiet, personal ritual.

In a bustling city like Seoul, finding a moment of calm can feel impossible. But we all deserve a peaceful morning. That’s why our Dark Room experience invites you to step into a moment of pure immersion.

The Story Behind Our 'Dark Room'

"I love what you do."

These words came from Sofia, a textile designer. We decided to collaborate on something unique for our morning coffee rituals.

Our idea took shape when Sofia designed a coffee coaster inspired by 'Dark Room Processing' from 'Joselyn Fallas', one of our favorite coffee producers, ' On April 1st, in Berlin, Sofia invited me to her studio. I had visited from Copenhagen, and we finally shared a cup of coffee together.

I brewed Joselyn's Dark Room coffee, and Sofia asked, "What is the Dark Room?"

Would you like to join us for a chic morning coffee experience, I'll tell you more about Dark Room.

Event Details:

Dates: Sunday / August 25 & September 8 ( 11 am )
Location: A beautiful summer space, just a 5-minute walk from
Hyochang Park Station ( You can see the details after confirmation ).
Tickets: 10 EURO ( Dark Room Coffee with Morning Bread )
Special Offer: Dark Room Set available exclusively on the day of the event.
Note: Spaces are limited to ensure a pleasant experience.

Join us for a serene and immersive morning that’s all about you.

( Join Now ) All sessions Sold Out Thanks! <3